Betrayal.. its something u here always. Betrayals happen in a lot of different relationships. Between friends, lovers, parents. . It is never an easy thing. Some people face it differently. and some people can get over it differently. For some people it’s a very easy thing to betray people. And for some people they never have the guts to betray some one. Mostly that happens to girls. Some victims of betrayals suffer a lot in their life. Some people tends to get suicide when their partner betrays them. When sum people do it they don’t have any thought in their hearts. Most people want to believe that if da person is betrayed he/she wouldn’t b happy any more. O neither they wont get da love they had… wel its not true. It sure does take a long time to heal a broken heart. It takes months.. years… n for some people it takes whole thir life to get over da sadness… da only thing to keep in mind is dat u r nt alone in dis world. N dat their r other people dat cn make u happy always. U dnt hav to depend on others. Don’t loose self motivation. And don’t thinks it’s the end of the world. Jus go on through life. Life is never an esy thing.
Some of the Reasons why people betray..
• Just for fun.
• Trying to do what others do
• Got what they wont
• Cant find any other reason to get over
• Having another affair with sum one else
• simply the nature of guy or gal
• they dnt luv the person they r with or the person they r with doesnt satisfy their wants
• Long distance.
• Couldt take it any more.
• Just wont to break so many peoples heart n their r lot more…
• Da best thing is to get over it soon.. as fast as u can.
• da only thing to keep in mind is dat u r nt alone in dis world. N dat their r other people dat cn make u happy always. U dnt hav to depend on others. Don’t loose self motivation. And don’t thinks it’s the end of the world. Jus go on through life. Life is never an easy thing.: