Wat do u mean by trust.....
trust is Mutual trust is a shared belief that you can depend on each other to achieve a common purpose.
Steps in building trust:)
First and foremost is predictability and it is a fundamental factor. Trying new things like going to new places from time to time is also important. And planning surprises is always nice but uniformity and stability are imperative for the maintenance of a relationship.
Then, you must always project your true feelings to your partner. Do not hide what you have in your heart or what is bothering you. Avoid saying you are happy when you actually are not. Your facial expressions and actions will show you are not. It is better you do it!
Both of you have lacking, so you should not make him or her feel that the lacking is disturbing you. Instead, believe in what they are capable of. Or if you want, you can talk about this very calmly, lovingly and attentively to gain their trust.
Avoid keeping secrets. Secrets harm the trust in a relationship and create doubts, frustrations and therefore invite problems. Honesty will consolidate the trust in your relationship. Be open and this will assure your partner that you care.
From time to time it is good to show your partner what you need. This will change the environment by showing you came to them for your need and they are considered worth being by your side. They will trust you more.
Do you agree to everything your partner asks? Well as from now, say no to things you find wrong. Voicing out your opinions will prove to them your participation and consideration. They will respect you more and this will ultimately build or strengthen trust.
To be able to build trust you must remove everything that is preventing it to be built, so put everything clear. This may hurt both of you but remember in the future it won't. It will only bring good. Be ready for the questions and difficulties. And once over, trust is here.
if you listen well people will trust you. "You cannot establish trust if you cannot listen. A conversation is a relationship. Both speaker and listener play a part, each influencing the other. Instead of being a passive recipient, the listener has as much to do in shaping the conversation as the speaker.
trust is Mutual trust is a shared belief that you can depend on each other to achieve a common purpose.
Steps in building trust:)
First and foremost is predictability and it is a fundamental factor. Trying new things like going to new places from time to time is also important. And planning surprises is always nice but uniformity and stability are imperative for the maintenance of a relationship.
Then, you must always project your true feelings to your partner. Do not hide what you have in your heart or what is bothering you. Avoid saying you are happy when you actually are not. Your facial expressions and actions will show you are not. It is better you do it!
Both of you have lacking, so you should not make him or her feel that the lacking is disturbing you. Instead, believe in what they are capable of. Or if you want, you can talk about this very calmly, lovingly and attentively to gain their trust.
Avoid keeping secrets. Secrets harm the trust in a relationship and create doubts, frustrations and therefore invite problems. Honesty will consolidate the trust in your relationship. Be open and this will assure your partner that you care.
From time to time it is good to show your partner what you need. This will change the environment by showing you came to them for your need and they are considered worth being by your side. They will trust you more.
Do you agree to everything your partner asks? Well as from now, say no to things you find wrong. Voicing out your opinions will prove to them your participation and consideration. They will respect you more and this will ultimately build or strengthen trust.
To be able to build trust you must remove everything that is preventing it to be built, so put everything clear. This may hurt both of you but remember in the future it won't. It will only bring good. Be ready for the questions and difficulties. And once over, trust is here.
if you listen well people will trust you. "You cannot establish trust if you cannot listen. A conversation is a relationship. Both speaker and listener play a part, each influencing the other. Instead of being a passive recipient, the listener has as much to do in shaping the conversation as the speaker.