Each time I close my eyes. I think about u darling. How much do I wish to be with u. wishing and raying dat we bth cud live a life soon.. dnt want ever to leave u. wen I look in to ur eyes.. I see dis new world.. new life. Moments of happiness n joyes. Wud b there no mater wt. I have met a very special person 3 years back. I knw sumthings r changing. Its hard to survive enuf in distant ones. All I want is to in ur arms forever and alwys. U care abt me and u love me lot. Even dho sumtimes its hard for u admit how much I mean to u. not really evry one understands me. But u do. Da only one who cn understand me. Never wanting me to walk alone ny where dho u r far away always at my side..unlike a lot of guys u seems v patient.more than the patience I hav. Cheering me up in v hard situations.. give me da best opinions and options. More close thn my best friend. Can shre u with ny thing I want. Helpin in evry way u cn to support me in my carier.. I can be my self wen im with u. u mean a lot to me. Ppl go through lot of stages in life.. I guess we bth r goin sum stage. As for human beings we jus hav to tolerate da hard ship n face the truth. This is life. Which hav many obstacles in it dat r hard to run. i do want to write. Bt I jus cant express my feelings.. its really hard dho I try to. Deep down inside me….i LOVE You . forevever wil love u
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